Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Bread, turkeys, chickens, and the freezer

 Seemed like a good time to try it out.  I've thought about making bread in a cookstove many times (probably since reading the Little House books).  Making bread was again eased by having the cabinet tidy, as well as having my pans in the pantry accessible.  It looks pretty good for a first time, and tastes good, and slices good for Carolyn to take to school.

Earlier in the day we took 8 turkeys to be "processed".  They are pretty small, 7-11 pounds.  Somewhat disappointing but not too bad.    We emptied the downstairs freezer and defrosted and cleaned it up.  I put the rendered deer fat, 2 turkeys from last year (one a regular store bird, a gift), and this year's roosters in it.  Nate will put the turkeys from today there when he gets home.  I moved all the stuff from that freezer upstairs to the upright freezer.  I did a rough sort (vegs, fruit, etc.) but I need to do some serious sorting and using!  I think it will be a lot easier with it upstairs.  That's my theory and I'm sticking to it :)  Very hard for me to be wasteful so I hope I can use all that invested time and money.
Yesterday felt overwhelming and I got very little "done".  The task I really thought I ought to do, take care of 4 biddies that Nate butchered, I didn't do and they are still in the fridge.  This isn't a food quality problem as they should age at least a day or two before freezing but I don't like them hanging over me.  I also have 2 cooked chickens and their broth I need to attend tomorrow.  I'm thinking more about these 6 chickens than the freezer, turkeys, and bread.

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