Tuesday, November 8, 2011


Sitting in the hospital for 4 days gives you time to think, at least when you're not concentrating on breathing or getting poked. I sure couldn't do most of what I "needed" to do at home. When I did get home I went immediately to take care of the animals, then I started cleaning up. On the face of it, the cleaning was aimed at dust, ashes, and chemical cleaners, all things I am trying to avoid. The first 2 are a regular challenge, and the bleach was more of a surprise.
When I look back on a day, what is important to me? Often it is that I cleaned up some sort of clutter. Clutter cleaning seems to provide a more enjoyable day. Not sure how to phrase that better. I got up and moved around pots and pans in the cupboard. How does a person get a slew of unmatched lids and pots? I only purchase/use one brand of cookware yet had a pile of misfits. Anyway, brushing out the cupboard, collecting extras from our cabin kitchen, and setting up the cupboard before I even ate this morning seemed to free me to go see the grandchildren and make a more important memory. Well, awkward sentiment, but I do need to keep making little strides.

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