Today I decided to get the easiest thing done ever, changing a battery in my wall clock. I had previously charged the battery so how hard could it be?? It didn't work. So I looked up how to remove battery corrosion from the clock, as it seemed like that might be the problem. I took a picture or two of the compartment, the cleaning solution (vinegar), and dusted the clock clean while I was at it. Still no success. So I got out another clock, checked battery life on it, and then just hung that one instead. It is not quite the right clock for the space but it keeps time. (though I forgot to set it to the ACTUAL time, so it keeps the wrong time currently) Then I looked up replacement movements for AA cell clocks online. Cheap but not sure how you know for sure it will work until you get the product and install it correctly. This is why things don't get done.... easy item turned bigger problem, needs research and parts, clutters house still...
So, then I cleaned out an entire large cupboard. I now know what baking items and staples are in what container, and the containers are clean, and it was a job I should have done awhile ago but for now it is perfect.
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